Vayechi – Jewish Connection to the Land / Boaz Leaman
Jewish Connection to the Land / Boaz Leaman
Parashat Vayechi ends the book of Bereshit and the period of our forefathers. In his last days, Yaakov calls all his sons to come to him because he wants to bless them. His blessings include what seems like a prophecy to what is going to happen in their future and in the division of the tribal lands by Yehoshua. He reminds them of their actions in the past and their influence on what is to come. Mount Moriya will be in the land of Yehuda and each tribe is given land based on its characteristics.
After giving them the blessings, Yaakov commands his sons that after his death he is to be buried in Ma’arat Hamachpela, in the field that Avraham bought from Bnei Chet. The question is asked why to go so far? What is so important there?
One can say that Yaakov truly wanted to show that this place belonged to the Jewish People, because Avraham Avinu purchased this land and no one can undermine our right to this place, as the Midrash states in Bereshit Rabba:
“ויקן את חלקת השדה אשר נטה שם אהלו… במאה קשיטה, אמר רב יודן בר סימון זה אחד משלשה מקומות שאין אומות העולם יכולין להונות את ישראל לומר גזולים הן בידכם ואלו הן, מערת המכפלה, ובית המקדש, וקבורתו של יוסף, מערת המכפלה, דכתיב (בראשית כג) “וישמע אברהם אל עפרון וישקול אברהם לעפרון”, בית המקדש, דכתיב (דברי הימים א, כא) “ויתן דוד לארנן במקום…,” וקבורתו של יוסף (בראשית לג) “ויקן את חלקת השדה, יעקב קנה שכם”.
So the question is asked, why are these places so important?
We can answer this question in several ways:
- The three purchases are parallel to the three holy places where Eretz Yisrael was blessed in the time of Yehoshua, Ezra, and now, when we have returned to our land.
- In these places we are continuing our connection to the Land and to Hashem, so we cannot forfeit them. The Chatam Sofer adds that these three places are equal to the main foundations of the world: Torah = Yaakov, Avoda = Yitzchak, Gemilut Chasadim (loving kindness) = Avraham.
In other words, there is a very strong spiritual connection with these places and we cannot sever our ties to them.
In conclusion, today these three locations are under Palestinian control, on two of them are even active mosques. Ma’arat Hamachpela is open to Jews, other than the Yitzchak Hall (which is open only on Chagim). Kever Yosef is in Shchem, were Jews can enter once a month, only in organized groups and with military surveillance. Regarding Har Habayit, the Temple Mount, it is not that simple to say that one is not permitted to go there, and much can be said about this. I call upon everyone to learn about this halacha and join the many who do. Please God that going to Har Habayit should be L’Shem Shamayim and we should merit the building of the Beit Hamikdash speedily in our times, Amen.
Shabbat Shalom!