Shemot- Good Things Come To Those Who Wait / Miriam Mackler
Good Things Come To Those Who Wait / Miriam Mackler
Each and every one of us has had one, if not several moments in our lives when we have had to do something really big, maybe even monumental and completely life changing on a personal level. Hopefully, we have all seen the hand of Hashem during these times and recognize the brachot that came as a result of our self sacrifice, not matter what they were. Sometimes however, the reward is not immediately apparent and it is only through future generations that we reap the rewards of our deeds.
In Tanach, we see that some of the greatest of sacrifices yielded the most delayed rewards. In Parshat Shmot, we learn of Shifra and Puah, (AKA Yocheved and Miriam) who served as the midwives in Pharaoh’s Egypt. These unbelievably G-d fearing women were directly instructed to kill each and every newborn baby boy, while sparing the girls…but they didn’t. In fact, they helped the boys survive. The reward? ויעש להם בתים. According to Rashi, this means the houses of כהונה לויה ומלכות. Aharon HaCohen was their son/brother and Miriam’s granddaughter married an ancestor of David Hamelech. Shifra and Puah took a history altering risk and were rewarded with eternity.
But this is not the first time we see this. Avraham Avinu gave up everything and everyone he knew to wander after an invisible Almighty to a To-Be-Announced locale. That’s a huge and life changing risk. The reward? ואעשך לגוי גדול. Not riches (although he got them too) and at first, not even a gift of the very land to which he was led. Again, we see a reward that transcends the present and physical, given to those willing to test their present, and risk all things physical.
Likewise Yaakov Avinu hesitated to deceive his father. Rivka told him to dress as Esav and go to Yitzchak to get the Bracha of the firstborn son, but Yaakov feared that his father would discover the ruse and curse him instead. Nevertheless, Yaakov gathered his courage and agreed to the plan which proved to be a pivotal moment for the Jewish people. Although both brachot included wealth, only Yaakov was blessed with international respect and honor amongst the nations. And yet again- mortal risk rewarded with immortal reward.
May our challenges never reach this realm, but it is evident that we do get what we deserve. Those who make sacrifices לשם שמים show what they value most. Wealth and luxury may be a nice addition to the reward, but these are people who have historical vision and have earned a base reward that is far more meaningful and appropriate. Through their G-d fearing bravery, Shifra and Puah made a decision that is still reaping daily rewards for them each time their descendants bless us during Birkat Kohanim. May we be zoche to have the long range vision of our ancestors and the zchut to hear that very blessing in the Beit Hamikdash במהרה בימינו.